Responsive Template

Responsive Mobile-Friendly template for Joomla 3, the best open-source content management system (CMS). A responsive layout automatically adapts to the viewing device, allowing for an optimized appearance on multiple devices, such as tablets.

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We are experts and theme's designers of Joomla! Templates. We develop unique Joomla websites and clean Joomla Templates, affordable and easy to use for Joomla! CMS. All our Joomla Templates are dedicated for companies, developer and private websites. Read more...

Template Modules

Category: Template Features Published: Thursday, 27 April 2017 Written by Super User Print Email

Merri free template for Joomla! 3 will include a lot module positions. See the clear grid of modules location.

How do I find my template's positions?

In Joomla 3.x, the location a module shows up on a page is determined by the position the module is set to. For example, if you have a module position within your template named "footermenu", to place a module there you will have to set the module's position to template footer. Likewise, setting a module's position to "right" will most likely place the module in your template's right sidebar.

Before you can decide which position to assign a module to, you need to know which positions your template has available, as each template can define different positions at different locations on the page. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to view the module positions in a Joomla 3.x template.

For more information about Joomla module positions, please see Joomla Documentation.

Merri Joomla 3 Free Responsive Template modules positions

Merri Joomla 3 Responsive Free Template modules positions

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